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1.出自李昉 太平廣記


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Nagoya and the surrounding area is one of the unique ingredients of red miso. Although the appearance is not very good, but with its unique flavor and aroma, can be used in a variety of dishes. "Cook miso udon noodles" and "miso pork chops" is its representative. Here, we can taste the taste is different from Tokyo and Osaka, Nagoya, can experience a unique mix between food and eating, is also of concern in Japan.
Atsuta Shrine is located in the lush southern Nagoya god Yuan "Atsuta's Society" town caregivers. Since ancient times it was known as "Atsuta SAN", familiar to everyone, every year nearly 6.5 million worshipers, crowded. Needless to say Nagoya Atsuta Shrine country people regarded as "spiritual home" infinite reverence and respect to beliefs. There is also one for the three kinds of artifacts Kusanagi Sword of God, the court, and the generals are revered since ancient times it was considered second only to the Ise Shrine in Omiya. Owari style is made in ancient times, in 1893 (Meiji 26 years) into a god-made styles.

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The city of Kaohsiung 高雄 has another special name called Takao.

It was originally the dwelling place of the Makatto tribe of the Plains aborigines.

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